3 Considerations for Sharing Your Message & Why It Matters

Becoming Wiser Each YearThough today may or may not be your specific birth date, at some point in 2014, by the grace of God, your age will increase by one digit.

With every addtional candle added to a birthday cake, there is an accompanying applause, to God, for His blessing and graciousness in granting the honoree an additional year of life.  Here is another reason for applause : “Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: Wisdom preserves those who have it.” Ecclesiastes 7:12

Birthday celebrations serve as an acknowledgement of one who is wiser than she was just twelve months ago.

The more candles on a cake, the more likely it is that over the years there had to be a skillful balance of managing a career, raising children, working in ministry, taking care of an aging or ill family member (or yourself), teaching, traveling, or overcoming varying degrees of trials and obstacles.   Wisdom gained by taking care of daily, sometimes quite difficult, responsibilities while abiding in Christ, is valuable knowledge that should be shared with those who need or want to know how you did it.

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